Novità ?


A Day of Green Impact: Markit Forest planted in Poland
On a spirited day in April 2024, in Poland, a remarkable environmental initiative took place, bringing together community, collaboration, and commitment to nature. Over 50 people, including clients, partners, and Marketeers, joined hands...


Enjoy Markit's latest free report. Available on SlideShare to read or download.


Markit expansion continues to Colombia 
We are excited to announce our fourth opening in the LATAM region, in Bogota, Colombia which cements our regional presence and increases our ability to serve a wider range of South American companies.  Colombia is our sixth country of o...


There has been a lot of positive reaction to Markit’s first SUSTAINABLE IT PROCUREMENT webinar which was broadcast live on November 2nd, 2023. 


BOOM BOOM! Markit opens in the Philippines and Cyprus
Today we announce a new first in Markit's history. Two new country operations opening in the same month! bringing our global footprint up to 45 countries. 


Markit clients can now choose to purchase their IT products even more sustainably than before. 


Enjoy Markit's latest free report. Available on SlideShare to read or download. Carefully assessing the risks and advantages of supplier consolidation is crucial to determine whether the benefits outweigh the potential downsides in your...


We are thrilled to announce Markit is now in Chile - our 43rd country of operations.  Our presence in Chile (Markit’s 3rd country in the LATAM region) contributes significantly to our regional knowledge and client serving capacity. 


Moien Luxembourg!
​​​​​​​Markit ‘s Expansion Continues
Luxembourg, one of the world’s major financial and business centres, is our 42nd Markit country of operation and another step towards total European coverage (we are now present in 24 European countries.)


Danone - Building USERS’ independence in the purchasing process
Danone’s old IT procurement system was not as user friendly as it could have been, and Karolina Tojak, IT Support Specialist PBN was given a green light to fill the gaps in efficiency and other aspects of their procurement process.  


The reaction to the content shared at Markit Forum 2023, live IT procurement events held in Tallinn, Estonia and Warsaw, Poland (and broadcast live online through Hopin) has been extremely positive.   An engaging and detailed set of pre...


CBRE - Gaining control over CAPEX and OPEX expenditure in IT procurement 
Markit Forum 2023 delegates were treated to a seriously deep, and expert, dive into the world of expenditure control by Robert Maliszewski, Head of CEE IT FTS at CBRE (Worldwide Real Estate Services Leader).  There is no way this short ...


Hurtigruten: Steering procurement from local to global in a 130-year-old cruise tourism company
It has been said that indirect IT (Information Technology) procurement is complex.  Just imagine then how complex it would be to ensure IT supplies had to be delivered to cruise ships travelling form port to port around the globe, in a ...


Zoetis - Vendor Relationship Management 
Paraphrasing his words, here was the story that Tomasz Cichocki (Client Productivity Services Senior Manager at Zoetis Tech & Digital PC Lifecycle, M&A integrations) shared at Markit Forum 2023.  


Cabot - Digital IT procurement and the benefits of punchout 
George Bakker is the Buyer Manager at Cabot, a global specialty chemicals and performance materials company. His detailed presentation at Markit Forum 2023 was highly notable for its level of transparency of the KPIs (Key Performance Ind...


BCG - Overcoming Challenges of the Global Partner Model in IT Procurement 
Damian Krawczyk is the IT Manager for the CEE System at BCG (Boston Consulting Group) and at Markit Forum 2023 he took us on an enlightening journey showing how BCG deal with the complexities of choosing, vetting, and working with global...


​​​​​​​SUMMARY REPORT: Markit Forum 2023
​​​​​​​International IT procurement event
​​​​​​​Feedback has been great for Markit Forum 2023, a hybrid IT procurement event that was held live in Warsaw, Poland and Tallinn, Estonia and online on the 14th of March. Markit Forum was opened with keynote from Margus Vahemäe, Hea...


After opening in South Africa just a few months ago, we are excited to announce our latest expansion step. Markit is now open for business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to strengthen our presence, and support growing client demand, in the A...


Enjoy Markit's latest free report. Available on SlideShare to read or download.


Markit has opened in Johannesburg, South Africa, to support growing client demand and continue its investment in global expansion. 


Markit’s United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 2022
In our first UNGC Communication on Progress, we transparently set out where we are, and the road we are travelling on to help make the world a better place, in our own small, but significant ways – Markit style. 


Special Pricing Challenges in IT Procurement
On the face of it, negotiating global special pricing agreements with IT manufacturers is a “no-brainer” but there are pitfalls to look out for, and alternatives to consider. Some important questions arise when we look at the basis for ...


Validation of CPO Priority Shifts in 2022 
Markit pays careful attention to the shifting priorities and requirements of CPOs and those responsible for IT procurement within multinational companies. By fully understanding the changes we can fine tune the individualised solutions w...


In May 2022, more than 150 of our beloved Markiteers gathered in Cologne, Germany for our annual Markit Summit. The sun was shining. Positivity and kindness were in the air. It was to be the start of a unique and memorable set of experi...


The Secret Lives of Markiteers
Markit celebrates diversity


The Drive for Sustainable IT Packaging 
We all know that natural resources are not infinite, and most people (and companies) would like to buy IT goods that are guilt-free. This is challenging if a product’s packaging goes way beyond what is necessary to protect the product wi...


Markit – World Procurement Awards Finalist – Again! 


As the tragedies surrounding the war in Ukraine unfold, Markit is providing carefully planned and transparent support to:  Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance  Our affected employees and their families  Our clients  UPDA...


Satisfying Procurement Priorities in Fast-Growing Companies
Read the Satisfying Procurement Priorities in Fast-Growing Companies report now. (Free access). Founders and CEOs of fast-growing companies unsurprisingly crave (manageable) fast growth, often more than anything else.  This can mean ma...


Milestone: 4 million unique IT products now available from the Markit IT marketplace
Thanks to further integration of leading international IT distributors in 37 countries, our global clients now have access to over 4 million IT products (unique SKUs) from the Markit IT marketplace. 


IT PROCUREMENT: Valore ridefinito, consegnato e protetto
Nel capitolo 1 (Valore ridefinito, fornito e protetto) del Deloitte Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey 2021 (Agility: L'antidoto alla complessità) ci sono tre punti evidenziati relativi alle priorità del CPO nel 2021 che sono be not...


Markit Expansion Plans 2021  
Last year, despite the Covid-19 influence we managed to expand to Mexico, Brazil, and Serbia. 


Alantra: Solving IT procurement with speed and efficiency
In his Markit Forum Virtual 2021 presentation “Solving procurement with speed and efficiency”, Javier Fernández (Head of IT) at Alantra explained how his team identified and solved the pain points in their global IT procurement program. ...


REPORT: Markit Forum Virtual 2021
​​​​​​​International IT procurement event
There were so many positives about Markit Forum Virtual 2021 in May, that it’s hard to know where to start!  A brilliant set of presentations were given by Danfoss, Western Union, SEB, Revolut, Greenube, Alantra, Lenovo, Jabra, and Cont...


Revolut: Managing procurement while building a hybrid-work company of the future 
The pandemic has accelerated digital adoption and companies are being forced to “go hybrid” due to restrictions. Revolut's progress in this area is advanced and so the methodology and tips they shared at Markit Forum Virtual 2021 could b...


Western Union: 6 Principles for Success - Navigating a Changing World 
Western Union, experts in the art of change for 170 years, famous for innovation (the telegram, stock ticker, telex, the first company to commission a satellite) and a global money mover, present in over 200 countries, were represented a...


SEB: Taking a diverse approach to procurement
At Markit Forum Virtual 2021 Māris Modriņš (Head of Baltic Procurement) and Andris Korčagins (Head of Workplace) from SEB Bank, one of Markit’s longest standing clients (17 years) shared the stage in a free-flowing open discussion-with A...


Greentube: How user-centric procurement can drive innovation and influence employee satisfaction 
It is an old saying that employees are a company’s most valuable asset.   It has been heard many times but it is almost unheard of that this philosophy lies at the core of a company’s IT procurement strategy. 


Danfoss: How to Make Your Procurement Future – Proof? 
Danfoss demonstrated true leadership in the procurement industry when Joanna Siemiatkowska, Global Project Manager, presented “How to Make Your Procurement Future - Proof?” at Markit Forum Virtual 2021 in front of hundreds of IT procurem...


IT Landscape Report 2021 (gratuito)
Markit ha dato un contributo speciale all'IT Landscape Report 2021 recentemente pubblicato sul ruolo dei marketplace B2B negli acquisti IT. Il report IT Landscape mappa le opportunità per gli acquisti IT, le partnership e gli investimen...


Rapporto 2021 sullo stato dell'IT su budget IT e tendenze tecnologiche
L'eccellente e approfondito rapporto sullo stato dell'IT di Spiceworks Ziff Davis 2021 sui budget IT e le tendenze tecnologiche (basato su 1.073 interviste ai buyer IT condotte a giugno e luglio 2020) condivide numerosi risultati rilevan...


Caso di studio Markit riconosciuto dal Sustainable Purchaers Leaders Council
Accedi al case study su SlideShare Giovedì 28 gennaio 2021, il Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) ha riconosciuto sette organizzazioni e un individuo alla cerimonia di premiazione annuale del Council per la loro leadership...


Performance 2020 di Markit - 5 risultati chiave 
In un recente post abbiamo descritto le attività chiave di Markit e i punti salienti positivi del 2020 : in questo guardiamo le prestazioni di Markit nel 2020 in termini di risultati effettivi.


Based on analysis of a numerous dozens of reported procurement predictions from leading specialists, this latest Markit report compiles and summarises 9 frequently predicted trends for procurement in 2021 and suggests how these may impac...


MARKIT 2020 – The Year in Focus
As for every company, 2020 was quite different to any other year - but it has forced innovation and agility and, at the same time, clearly proved the resilience of Markit’s business model, the attractiveness of our solution to internatio...


Il primo Summit Virtuale di Markit & l'importanza di una torta in un evento online!
La pandemia ha costretto le aziende a entrare in ambienti ancora più virtuali, che si tratti di riunioni con clienti o meeting interni, corsi di formazione o conferenze e seminari.


New Markit Spain Office Opens in Barcelona 
To meet increasing demand for time and cost saving IT purchasing solutions in Spain, Markit Spain has opened a new office at C/Vilamarí, 110-112 PB2 in the heart of Barcelona. 


Last week at the World Procurement Awards we found out that Markit didn’t win the Specialist P2P Solution Provider award. It was disappointing, there’s no hiding that fact. 


Per completare il recente rapporto di Markit su come Ottimizzare gli acquisti Indiretti con i Marketplace, Andres Agasild, CEO e co-fondatore di Markit, ha tenuto una presentazione (Marketplace come Fornitore: trasformare il Procurement ...


Markit - LIVE al World Procurement Congress 2020
Ogni anno l'evento premium del procurement, il World Procurement Congress, organizzato da Procurement Leaders, attira migliaia di professionisti degli acquisti da tutto il mondo. Riunisce CPO, fornitori, leader del settore ed esperti di ...


I pro, i contro e le insidie dell'utilizzo dei marketplace B2B per gli acquisti indiretti internazionali


Valutazione della credibilità del mercato IT - 11 storie di successo
L'avanzare dell'era digitale e la pandemia costringono sempre più aziende a comprare e vendere online, aziende che cercano di acquistare hardware e accessori IT sono alla ricerca della soluzione ottimale. In quanto tali, anche l'IT e alt...


Storia di successo di HP e Markit
Markit e HP collaborano sin dalla fondazione di Markit nel 2003. La cooperazione e la partnership sono cresciute negli anni e Markit ha raggiunto lo stato di partner SILVER in 24 paesi e lo stato di partner GOLD in altri 10. Oltre 1500 ...


LA PRIORITÀ MASSIMA PER GLI UFFICI ACQUISTI NEL 2020 È LA RIDUZIONE DEL COSTO TOTALE D'ACQUISTO. Fonte: Raggiungere l'eccellenza negli acquisti nell'era della rivoluzione digitale da parte di The Hackett Group


Nel procurement, la fiducia conta più che mai
In un precedente post abbiamo parlato di come l'agilità del servizio clienti durante la crisi influenzerà il modo in cui la reputazione dei fornitori verrà valutata quando le acque si saranno calmate. In questo post esaminiamo più da vic...


L'agilità del Servizio Clienti nel Procurement Internazionale Post-Crisi
La fiducia e la lealtà vanno guadagnate - non richieste o rivendicate. Ogni fornitore internazionale (non solo di dispositivi IT) dovrà crescere di livello per uscire dalla crisi con una nota positiva. Quando il Covid-19 e la conseguente...


GLOBAL IT NOW è il nuovo strumento di Markit che sta aiutando migliaia di aziende europee a risolvere la carenza di hardware e accessori IT durante la crisi.


Come la Recessione cambia le Esigenze nel Procurement
Durante l'ultimo anno abbiamo letto numerosi studi e ipotesi di una possibile o addirittura probabile recessione durante il 2020. Sebbene fare previsioni sull'economia globale sia sempre complicato, le possibili cause proposte erano la p...


The Indirect IT Procurement Dilemma - Solved
Report first published in Procurement Leaders Marketplace which contains the profiles of leading procurement service providers, as well as a library of free, leading-edge content. It's been suggested in procurement industry circles arou...


7 Storie di Successo nel mondo degli Acquisti IT
Trovare un fornitore di hardware e accessori IT, internazionale, affidabile e flessibile, è indispensabile sia per il lavoro da remoto che per gestire progetti critici o strategici. La soluzione internazionale proposta da Markit aiuta da...


The disruptive, and sometimes devastating, impact Covid-19 is having on our families, businesses and the communities in which we live could not have been predicted in full, but it is time to face the facts and stand up for each other and...


Markit Serbia is Open for Business 
An important part of the Balkan IT purchasing puzzle has been solved for many Markit clients thanks to the opening of Markit Serbia operations in Belgrade. 


The IT Procurement Savings Trap – Report from Procurement Leaders APAC Congress 2019 
We’ve been banging the value creation drum for over a decade now, since 2003 to be precise and it’s not only us. Steve Hrubala, chief property & procurement officer at the National Australia Bank Group, is one of a number of procurement ...


Companies Are Taking a Step-by-Step Approach to Digitising IT Procurement 
At Markit we are seeing growing interest from large international companies who want or need to save time and money on their IT purchasing requirements and processes. Indeed, most companies have, or should have by now, some form of digit...


Saudi Telecom Company Win Procurement Leaders APAC External Collaboration Award 2019 
Congratulations to Saudi Telecom Company’s procurement team! In Singapore last week, Saudi Telecom Company’s (STC), lead by Head of Technology Procurement, Hani AlSaigh beat off strong competition to win the Asia Pacific Procurement Exte...


Productivity as a Competitive Advantage 
Markit CEO, Andres Agasild recently spoke at SEB’s Baltic CFO Forum 2019 about productivity as a competitive advantage. The Forum is a good example of SEB’s Mission in action. 


Are EMEA Procurement Leaders (Still) Lacking Support?
Based on findings from recent surveys we have to ask... Are some EMEA procurement professionals not feeling as supported, as they would like to be, by executives within their own companies? Is so, we empathise with them, procurement is a...


From USA to China – Markit's Global Reach 
Let’s face it, China and USA are huge. Huge markets and logistically challenging too due to the massive distances involved. Even though we have experience of setting up operations in 33 countries already, China and USA are special cases ...


Corporate Immune Systems are Stifling Innovation in Procurement  
“The Three Markiteers” went to London - our Italian and French Country Managers Giorgio Luciani and Steve Barraud plus Head of Sales, Margus Vahemäe - where Markit participated as a showcase partner at Procurement Leaders’, Data Intellig...


Markit Leads the IT Procurement Discussion in Poland
Jon Kolasinski, Country Manager at Markit Poland led a round table discussion focusing on global trends in IT procurement at Poland’s largest procurement event, Procon/Polsak 2019. 


Markit Wins Gold Key Award in Norway 
“The award for this year's business transformer goes to a reseller who has so far been the largest in IT, but who now wants to take a bigger role in telecoms. Markit is a solid reseller that delivers very good results and has won great t...


Inch by Inch, the CPO Transforms - Digitally 
CPOs who want to lead their companies on an ambitious, disruptive and profitable journey would be wise to start in areas where gains are easily demonstrated and to collaborate with an experienced partner. 


Industry Opinion: How Should CPOs and CIOs Evaluate Enterprise Solutions? 
A recent article on CPO Rising by Andrew Bartolini & Matthew York of Ardent Partners talks about reviewing enterprise technology and we take that to include reviewing possible IT purchasing solutions.


Markit & Sogefi Claim Top Spot at CIO Conference 
Markit’s message describing how international companies can reduce their total cost of IT purchasing went down very well at the CIO event “"The DSI, from cost killer to FinOps - Optimize budgets and service levels" in Paris last week


Markit Expansion Plans: Brazil, India, Indonesia and Serbia Next 
Looking at the interactive map below you can see Markit is active in 33 countries where we fulfil the IT purchasing requirements of 8000+ international clients, including 20%+ of the Global Forbes 2000.


Markit Partners with the Data Intelligence & Technology Forum 2019 in London 
Join us in London at the Procurement Leaders, Data Intelligence & Technology Forum 6-7 November and save 15% off the registration fee with VIP code DIT19MK.  


Markit Fully Compliant with SCA Requirements 
As of September 14, 2019, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements, part of the revised EU Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) regulations, mandate that additional authentication measures be performed on applicable online ...


Punchout Catalogue Integration 
Punchout integration is increasingly demanded as must-have functionality for any B2B IT provider as clients seek to automate online IT purchasing to save time and money.


Transparent IT Purchasing: From Data to Insights to Action and Results 
The ideal indirect IT purchasing solution incorporates various transparency components.


Asia Pacific Procurement Awards 2019 Shortlist 
We are happy to announce that Markit is supporting the Asia Pacific Procurement Awards again for second year running!


Digital Procurement Reports 2018-9
We read a lot of digital and IT procurement reports, white papers etc. It’s important to keep up with the trends in IT purchasing. To save you some time here are some of the key take outs from 3 important 2018/9 reports based on surveys ...


Innovation and Value in Digital Procurement 
According to The Deloitte Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey 2018 (504 procurement leaders from 39 countries took part, representing organisations with a combined annual turnover of $USD5.5 trillion.) a clear shift in procurement fo...


Why E-auctions Fail for International IT Hardware and Accessories Purchasing 
Reverse auctions in B2B purchasing are on the rise, there’s no denying that.  There is an important role for reverse auctions for some products and circumstances, but not for IT hardware and accessories. 


Riflessioni sul Maverick Spending negli Acquisti & Procurement IT 
Sulla base del riscontro dei clienti e dell'analisi dei dati della spesa degli acquisti IT di più di 1000 aziende negli ultimi dieci anni, Markit indentifica cause e tendenze della spesa maverick (fuori contratto) IT.


Risultati dei risultati 2018 di Markit e prospettive future
Dopo un altro anno di successi di crescita significativa e con profitto, abbiamo raggiunto e superato un obiettivo importante nel 2018, completando il piano di visione su cui abbiamo lavorato per 10 anni! 100 milioni di euro di fatturato...


L'HQ globale di Markit si trasferirà nel 2020 a Porto Franco, a Tallinn
Porto Franco e Markit Holding AS hanno firmato un accordo per la nuova sede di Markit che si troverà a Porto Franco. Sarà inaugurato nell'autunno del 2020, quando la costruzione del centro sarà completata. Markit si trasferisce a Porto F...


La soluzione per acquisti IT di Markit ora disponibile in Messico
La nostra espansione internazionale continua in Messico, con lo scopo di aumentare la nostra presenza in Nord America e soddisfare la domanda della nostra crescente base di clienti Forbes Global 2000.  


Gli acquisti IT sono diventati più facili. Più veloci. Più efficienti. 
Solo perché Markit ha già la fiducia di in un numero crescente di aziende Fortune 500 / Forbes Global 2000 in 33 paesi, ciò non significa che non possiamo migliorare.


L'espansione di Markit in APAC porta trasparenza nel procurement IT a  Singapore e in Australia  
Il quarto trimestre del 2018 ha segnato i primi passi di Markit nella regione APAC con l'apertura prima a Singapore (novembre) e poi in Australia (dicembre). 


Hello, Canada!
We are extremely happy to announce that since November 2017 Markit has opened it’s service to the customers in Canada. ​As a country number 30 on Markit global coverage list this is another step to give our growing list of international...


In Markit we love and are inspired by great music. Music empowers, inspires and connects everybody in the best possible way. Throughout the years, we have supported many Estonian artists and bands who have great international potential. ...


Strong results for Markit in 2016
In 2016 Markit had another strong financial year. The organic revenue growth was a record-breaking 16 million euros year-on-year from 63,4 in 2015 to 79,4 in 2016 with net profit close to 500K EUR for the period. This represents 25% grow...


Merhaba Türkiye!
Stepping to the new territories as in the past years Markit expansion has mainly focused on EU but we have now also added Turkey to the growing list of countries for Markit customers.   Markit Turkey opened in October 2016 and is a count...


Ambient Sound Investments exits Markit through MBO while management gains majority in the company
Markit management and the first round investor Helmes have completed a buyout deal to acquire the shares of Ambient Sound Investments (ASI) in Markit Holding AS. As a result the founders and key employees re-gain the majority shareholdin...


Markit acquisisce il 51% della norvegese ePartner per diventare il primo partner per le multinazionali norvegesi


Markit collabora con il 5% di tutte le aziende Fortune 500.
Uno studio sul profilo dei nostri clienti del 2015 rivela che la nostra piattaforma è utilizzata da 27 aziende globali che appartengono alla lista Fortune 500. La nostra visione - di essere la piattaforma di acquisti IT leader per le azi...


Il 2015 è stato un anno eccellente per Markit
Abbiamo avuto un ottimo 2015. La nostra crescita di fatturato è stata di 11,6 milioni di euro, da 51 a 62,6 milioni, con un tasso di crescita del 22%. Il nostro profitto è raddoppiato da una perdita legata a investimenti non capitalizzat...


NOËP in cima a Varsavia con Markit
Il fenomeno estone della musica elettronica NOËP è stato la star del summit annuale Markit 2016 a Varsavia. In una location veramente spettacolare, in cima a un grattacielo di 32 piani! Si... l'originale cattivo ragazzo estone, in cima a...


Tutta Markit si è riunita a Varsavia per il Summit 2016.
Markit è una multinazionale, operativa in 28 paesi e con uffici in 13 nazioni diverse. Un evento molto importante nel nostro calendario è l'incontro annuale di tutta l'azienda, che si tiene ogni anno in una diversa capitale europea. Ques...