
Category: Rack Servers
Code: 7Z73A06AEA
Brand: Lenovo
Warranty: Unknown
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Marketing description

Top-performing server for data centers needing scalability. Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 is a 2-socket rack server designed for speed and expansion, with flexible storage, I/O, and great reliability for business-critical workloads.

Key selling points

  • Quality data center
  • Workload-optimized support

Product features

  • Quality data center
    Lenovo delivers engineered, tested and certified IT solutions that are high-performance, scalable and cost-effective. By combining advanced x86 server technology and reliability, partnering to deliver quality and providing end-to-end peace of mind with Lenovo ThinkShield, XClarity, and Services, Lenovo solutions enable customers to use real-time data to drive actionable insights. For these solutions, ThinkSystem SR650 V2 makes businesses smarter by providing support for data analytics, hybrid cloud, hyperconverged infrastructure, video surveillance, high performance.
  • Workload-optimized support
    ThinkSystem offers significantly lower data latency, higher capacities and greater value. With data stored closer to the processor, applications can access data faster driving swifter response times for real-time analytics, financial transactions, electronic medical records, fraud detection.


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