
Kategori: DLP Projektörler
Kod: MR.JSE11.001
Marka: Acer
Garanti: Bilinmiyor
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Teklif iste

Pazarlama açıklaması

Get a feel for how great home cinema can be as you wirelessly watch football on a big screen. Make clear presentations or gather your friends to watch sports.

Anahtar satış noktaları

  • Wireless projection
  • 4,500 lumens brightness
  • HD resolution

Ürün özellikleri

  • Wireless projection
    Break free from the clutter of wires with easy wireless projection options and wireless dongle design.
  • 4,500 lumens brightness
    See crystal-clear, vibrant images from a distance in daylight or medium to large rooms with up to 4,500 lumens of brightness.
  • HD resolution
    This projector offers top-of-the-line image quality in crisp 720p HD resolution. A 100" image of pure beauty in 720p HD looks real and alive.