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Marketing description

The presentation from Thermaltake in the essence of mainstream systems - the SMART SE series PSU, a performance series of power supply units (PSU) that incorporated various PSU high-tech components, leading technology and Eco-friendly credentials, 530 W with semi-modular that will accommodate any mainstream build under any circumstance.

Key selling points

  • 87% efficiency
  • Flat & low profile cable
  • Modular cable
  • Top quality made capacitor
  • Smart fan control

Product features

  • 87% efficiency
    Deliver up to 87% efficiency at 20-100% load under real world load conditions to cut down electric cost and promise lowest power losses. It saves the unnecessary waste of energy and environmental protection.
  • Flat & low profile cable
    All low-profile flat modular cables that not only increased the airflow and made chassis thermal performance improved, but also allow for effortless cable routing.
  • Modular cable
    Customizing concept of Smart SE 530W enables user to maximize available power and make set-up easy. It is a semi-modular power supply that offered cable selection for users while powering system at a healthy voltage.
  • Top quality made capacitor
    High quality main capacitor produces supreme performance with low impedance characteristics. The stable operation works for longer time with excellent reliability to enhance the power supply performance.
  • Smart fan control
    Large 140 mm cooling fan, built-in with intelligent temperature control device can automatically detect the power load for fan speed adjustment and maintain optimal mute performance.