
Kod: A2309
Garanti: Bilinmiyor
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Teklif iste

Pazarlama açıklaması

Thermaltake is a respected leader in computer thermal solutions technology. Thermaltake has increasingly enjoyed the adoption of its thermal strategies by OEM and ODM companies worldwide. Its engineers are masters of airflow analysis, material conductivity and efficiency design. Thermaltake's unwavering devotion to quality and customer satisfaction has earned its products the approval of computer enthusiasts everywhere.
Easy to use and install;
120 x 120 x25 mm fan, 1300rpm, 17dBA;
Blue LED fan;
Low noise.

Anahtar satış noktaları

  • Easy to use and install;
  • 120 x 120 x25 mm fan, 1300rpm, 17dBA;
  • Blue LED fan;
  • Low noise.