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Satisfying Procurement Priorities in Fast-Growing Companies


Read the Satisfying Procurement Priorities in Fast-Growing Companies report now. (Free access).

Founders and CEOs of fast-growing companies unsurprisingly crave (manageable) fast growth, often more than anything else. 

This can mean massive funding rounds and resulting in high valuations, hiring of top talent, finding sufficient time to focus on more strategic tasks, as well as tuning the all-important processes to build great products and services, which can scale internationally. 

A key part of the growth challenge is ensuring that team members can get access to competitively priced, high quality IT equipment, often very quickly. 

Dozens of large, fast-growing companies (including quite a few “unicorns”) across Europe, buy their IT hardware and accessories through Markit’s IT marketplace. 

Along the way of helping them save time and money on their IT purchasing requirements we have discovered what suppliers need to do to meet the special procurement challenges that fast-growing companies typically face. 

The buyer lessons and supplier recommendations described in this free report may also apply to other categories, not just IT, and could be valuable to both fast-growing companies, and their suppliers, everywhere. 

If you are fast-growing company and experiencing IT procurement and supply challenges then please contact us for a no-obligation initial 15 minute call to see if we may be able to help.