WatchGuard Advanced Reporting Tool - Licencia de suscripción (3 años) - volumen - nivel 5001+

Codi WGINSG30703
Garantia Desconegut
Imatges només amb fins il·lustratius
Estoc Quant. Lliurament est. Preu
ATTIT 1000 1/10/2024 ~ 4 setmanes 21,72
CGIT 0 ~ 4 setmanes 21,72

Descripció de màrqueting

WatchGuard Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) automates the storage and correlation of information generated by the execution of processes and their context, extracted from endpoints by Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. This information enables the Advanced Reporting Tool to automatically generate security intelligence and provide tools that allow organizations to pinpoint attacks and unusual behaviors, regardless of their origin, as well as detecting internal misuse of the corporate network and systems. The service provides organizations with the capacity to search, explore and analyze, offering IT security insights about corporate IT and security management without them having to invest in infrastructure, facilities or maintenance.

Punts de venda clau

  • Maximize visibility into everything that occurs on every device and increase IT department efficiency and productivity
  • Extract resource usage and user behavior patterns, use this information to educate users and implement cost-saving policies
  • Transform anomaly detection into real-time alerts and reports
  • Generate configurable reports to perform methodical analyses of your company's security posture, identify misuse of corporate assets and find behavioral anomalies

Descripción del producto
WatchGuard Advanced Reporting Tool - licencia de suscripción (3 años) - 1 licencia
Tipo de producto
Licencia de suscripción - 3 años
Servicios en línea y basados en dispositivos - servicio de inteligencia y seguridad
Nº de licencias
1 licencia
Precio licencia
Volumen / nivel 5001+
Servicios en línea y basados en dispositivos - servicio de inteligencia y seguridad
Tipo de producto
Licencia de suscripción - 3 años
Nº de licencias
1 licencia
Precio licencia
Volumen / nivel 5001+