Microsoft Excel - Licencia y Software Assurance - 1 PC - académica - OLP: Academic - nivel B - Inglés

Categoria: D'altres
Codi D46-00222
Marca Microsoft
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Descripció de màrqueting

Microsoft Excel brings core spreadsheet functionality to the surface to make it more accessible to all users. Basic operations, formula creation, printing and formatting, and charting have all been simplified to remove the barriers between the user and the power of the spreadsheet.
This program helps users discover and learn functionality to get their job done faster by interactively providing tips, guidance and suggestions for using the full power of their spreadsheet. It provides a more intuitive way to find information on a large spreadsheet by allowing users to "zoom out" for a bird's eye view of their data. It also gives users the freedom to work and experiment by allowing them to undo or redo multiple actions.

Descripción del producto
Microsoft Excel - licencia y Software Assurance - 1 PC
Tipo de producto
Licencia y Software Assurance
Aplicaciones de ofimática - hoja de cálculo
Nº de licencias
1 PC
Precio licencia
Académica, volumen / nivel B
Programa de licencias
Microsoft Open License for Academic
Servicio y mantenimiento
Actualización nuevas versiones
Aplicaciones de ofimática - hoja de cálculo
Tipo de producto
Licencia y Software Assurance
Nº de licencias
1 PC
Precio licencia
Académica, volumen / nivel B
Programa de licencias
Microsoft Open License for Academic
Actualización nuevas versiones - plazo completo