Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition - Licence & software assurance - 1 subscriber (SAL) - SPLA - Win - All Languages

Kod: 810-04861
Jenama: Microsoft
Waranti: Tidak diketahui
Untuk tujuan ilustrasi sahaja
Stok Kuantiti Anggaran Penghantaran Harga
FR279 1000 17/05/2024 tidak diketahui 18.22

Keterangan pemasaran

Microsoft SQL Server is a scalable, high-performance database management system. Designed to meet the requirements of distributed client-server computing, SQL Server enables organizations to improve decision-making and streamline business processes. Microsoft SQL Server is your solution to complex business problems. It offers reduced complexity for users, administrators and developers as well as quicker, easier-to-use business solutions at lower costs.
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition is the complete database and analysis offering that rapidly delivers the next generation of scalable e-commerce, line-of-business and data warehousing solutions. It includes the complete set of SQL Server database and analysis features and is uniquely characterized by several features that make it the most scalable and available edition of SQL Server. It scales to the performance levels required to support the largest Web sites and enterprise online transaction processing (OLTP) and data warehousing systems. Its support for failover clustering also makes it ideal for any mission critical line-of-business application.

Product Description
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition - licence & software assurance - 1 subscriber (SAL)
Product Type
Licence & software assurance
Business applications - databases / database tools
Licence Qty
1 subscriber (SAL)
Licence Pricing
Licensing Program
Microsoft Services Provider Licence Agreement (SPLA)
All Languages
Service & Support
New releases update
Business applications - databases / database tools
Product Type
Licence & software assurance
All Languages
Licence Qty
1 subscriber (SAL)
Licence Pricing
Licensing Program
Microsoft Services Provider Licence Agreement (SPLA)
New releases update - full-term