
Categorie 4G-Telefoons
Code: 16LYRE01A04
Merk Nokia
Garantie Unknown
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Marketing description

Nokia 110 4G is built to last and designed to stun. It's a future-ready phone packed with features including 4G VoLTE connectivity, easy-to-navigate zoomed menus and audio Readout assist, wireless and wired FM radio, expandable memory with games and built-in torch and camera. This isn't just a phone that looks good - it's a phone that has you covered.

Key selling points

  • Hear the difference
  • Simpler to use than ever before
  • A phone that dials up the quality
  • Make the most of your spare time

Product features

  • Hear the difference
    Above everything, a phone needs to do one thing extremely well - make and receive calls. With Nokia 110 4G you get HD voice quality that is simply outstanding.
  • Simpler to use than ever before
    Nokia 110 4G has zoomed-in menus to make everything bigger and easier to navigate, while its Readout feature turns text to speech to help you along the way. If only everything in life was this simple.
  • A phone that dials up the quality
    Its beauty is more than just skin-deep, with a reliable battery and a build-quality that's made to last.
  • Make the most of your spare time
    With a built-in camera, torch, classic games, full internet access, wireless and wired FM radio, video player - pause for breath - expandable memory and MP3 player, there's never a dull moment when you own a Nokia 110 4G.


 User manual