Poly Elite - Extended service agreement - advance hardware replacement (for E1T1 interface card supports PSTN audio and ISDN H320 video) - 1 year - shipment - response time: NBD

類別: 電腦服務選項
代碼: E19501112
品牌: HP Inc.
保修: 未知
庫存 數量 預計配送 價格
TDNO 500 19/6/2024 ~ 4周 27,577.08
IMNSE 0 ~ 4周 29,106.97
Product Description
Poly Elite - extended service agreement - 1 year - shipment
Extended service agreement
Service Included
Advance hardware replacement
Full Contract Period
1 year
Response Time
Next business day
Covered Configurations
E1T1 interface card supports PSTN audio and ISDN H320 video
Service Included
Advance hardware replacement
Full Contract Period
1 year
Response Time
Next business day
Covered Configurations
E1T1 interface card supports PSTN audio and ISDN H320 video
Service & Support
Extended service agreement - advance hardware replacement - 1 year - shipment - response time: NBD ¦ Technical support - phone consulting - 1 year - availability: 24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday ¦ Technical support - web knowledge base access - 1 year - availability: 24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday ¦ Technical support - e-mail consulting - 1 year - availability: 24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday ¦ Technical support - web support - 1 year - availability: 24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday ¦ New releases update - 1 year