Code: 21972
Merk Monoprice
Garantie Unknown
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Marketing description

This 2-port DisplayPort 1.2 to DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport (MST) hub enables two different display modes on up to two monitors connected to a single DisplayPort output. You can connect a single display at high resolutions to mirror your computer's desktop. Alternatively, you can connect two monitors and the hub will extend the image to span the two displays at high resolutions for each display. This hub is ideal for digital signage and large video displays in schools, churches, conference rooms, at trade shows, and in retail outlets.

Key selling points

  • Multi-Stream Transport (MST) hub
  • Duplicate mode
  • Extended desktop mode
  • Ideal for digital signage

Product features

  • Multi-Stream Transport (MST) hub
    An MST hub enables three different display modes on up to four monitors connected to a single mini DisplayPort output.
  • Duplicate mode
    You can connect a single display at high resolutions to mirror your computer's desktop.
  • Extended desktop mode
    Connect two monitors and the hub will automatically extend the image to span the two displays at high resolutions for each display.
  • Ideal for digital signage
    Perfect for multi-stream displays for use in schools, churches, conference rooms, at trade shows, and in retail outlets.