
Categoria: Medis en DVD
Codi MR419
Marca MediaRange
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Descripció de màrqueting

The 16x technology allows you to record your data twice as fast! Blank DVD+R is one-time writable DVD. Due to the 4.7 GB capacity, you can save up to six hours of high resolution digital video material or, of course, important data backups and multimedia developments with the best quality.

Punts de venda clau

  • High quality AZO dye
  • Wide compatibility with burners and software
  • Maximum possible recording stability
  • Outstanding archival life
  • Usable for video (CLV) and data (CAV)
  • Storage of music, video and data
  • Storage of large data volumes and their retrieval
  • High storage density
  • Transfer from videos and larger data files
  • Ideal for longterm data archiving
  • For use with multimedia presentations