Kategori: DLP Projektörler
Kod: PPX325/INT
Marka: Philips
Garanti: Bilinmiyor
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Pazarlama açıklaması

The PicoPix Micro+ is a pocket-sized & ultra-portable DLP projector that delivers up to 70" of entertainment in nearly any location. 35% brighter than Micro, and featuring a built-in battery with power bank compatibility, the PicoPix Micro+ delivers true portability and up to 3 hours of entertainment without the need of a power cord. Lightweight and measuring only 76mm x 74mm this tiny projector can be placed in your purse, backpack, or back pocket, making it perfect for entertainment on the go. A built-in speaker provides clear sound, while a mini-HDMI lets you connect external dongles or any other device like laptops, smartphones or tablets.