HP Care Pack Education Nonstop - lectures and labs

Kategori: Dersler & Lablar
Kod: HF388E
Garanti: Bilinmiyor
Sadece örnek amacıyladır
Ürün geçici olarak ulaşılamıyor.
Kayıtlı kullanıcılar taleplerini yazılı olarak iletebilir, karşılamanın bir yolunu bulacağız.
Teklif iste

Pazarlama açıklaması

HPE offers Education Care Packs. This means when you are buying new hardware or software or you have budget to invest in education, you can purchase education credits to assist with skill development of your in-house people with the flexibility of using the credit now or within the next 12 months.

Anahtar satış noktaları

  • The credit is valid for 12 months from date of purchase
  • The credit can be applied to any HPE education courses

Product Description
HP Care Pack Education Nonstop - lectures and labs
Lectures and labs
HP Care Pack Education Nonstop
Lectures and labs
HP Care Pack Education Nonstop