Categorie DDR4
Cod LD4AS016G-B3200GSST
Marcă Lexar
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Descriere Markit

The Lexar DDR4-3200/2666 SODIMM laptop memory lets you wake up your PC with a performance upgrade that gives you faster startups, increased responsiveness and quicker application load times. With its simple installation you'll be up and running in no time, so you can multitask with ease.

Puncte cheie de vânzare

  • Improve your computer's performance
  • High-speed DDR4 memory
  • Easy-to-install

Caracteristicile produsului

  • High-computing performance
    Having multiple applications open at once can decrease your computer's performance. By installing the Lexar DDR4-3200/2666 SODIMM laptop memory you can continue multitasking without the need for unnecessary slowdowns.
  • There's no room in your day for slowdowns
    Data-intensive apps should never slow down your performance. So whether you are browsing the Internet, working on spreadsheets, or uploading photos, the Lexar DDR4 gives you a boost in performance to multitask with ease.
  • Simple installation
    With limited steps to install your Lexar DDR4, you'll get a boost in your computing performance in no time.
  • Easy upgrade
    Get better performance without having to buy a new system. With a simple upgrade to the Lexar DDR4 memory you'll add a much needed boost to your computer.